
Mission Statement

The Old Post Road School community educates all students  to excel and become productive citizens.

Guiding Beliefs

We believe:

  • Each student should enter school prepared to learn;

  • It is our responsibility to provide a safe, supportive, and respectful learning environment;

  • Students can learn and achieve academic success in all areas;

  • Hard work, effort, and responsibility are fundamental to academic success;

  • Students have unique talents and abilities;

  • Student success is a shared responsibility among students, parents, school and community;

  • It is our responsibility to provide a challenging and well- balanced curriculum;

  • We provide an environment and curriculum that encourages a healthy lifestyle;

  • It is important to recognize and respect our community’s growing diversity in a global society.

Vision Statement

OPR students will be motivated to learn in a supportive and safe environment.  The faculty will foster self-confidence in the students and encourage them to make positive choices.  Students will learn to accept responsibility for their behavior and will mature into responsible citizens and lifelong learners.  All students will appreciate that they are part of a diverse, global society.