Walpole High School Renovation Project

Bird's-eye view



June 2023
School Committee endorses schematic design plan

Fall 2023
Full Design Starts

June 2024
Final Design Review and Approval by Town Officials

July 2024
Project Advertisement and Issue Invitation for Bids

August 2024
Bid Due Date

September 2024
Finalizing Project Budget

October 2024
Town Meeting to consider funding request

Late Fall / Early Winter 2024
Construction Contract to be Award

Construction Duration
Approximately 2 years

School and Town Officials will continue to keep Walpole residents updated as this project progresses. 

Rendering of proposed WHS renovation


Project Priorities

  • Address the Science and STEM conditions

  • Address underserved music, physical education and athletic programs

  • Enhance student services and allow for flexible multi-purpose space

  • Improve the entire exterior high school site for area such as parking, site traffic and pedestrian safety circulation



The proposed scope of the project currently includes:

  • Science Wing Renovation

  • Fields House Construction

  • Exterior site improvements

  • HVAC system replacements


Funding Sources

The projected funding request in the Fall of 2024 is expected to total approximately $30-37 million. This project will be funded within the limits of proposition 2 ½ without the need for an override. Town and School officials will spend the next 9-12 months refining the project budget. Expected funding sources that Town Meeting will be asked to consider include: 

  • Borrowing

  • Capital Stabilization

  • Remaining funds from Completed Capital Projects

  • Free Cash