Dear Boyden Families,
Today ( Friday, January 31st) families will have access to their child's Elementary Standard Based Report Cards and Special Education Progress Report (if applicable) in the Aspen Family Portal
The Term I report card communicates student progress toward meeting end-of-the-year learning standards. The slight, but important, change we made several years ago to the descriptors of the Academic Performance Levels is the phrase “at this time”. The purpose of including this phrase is to share with families where their students are academically, at this time of the year.
Teachers assess student performance against these learning standards, which are specific and observable grade-level skills. Our report cards reflect the learning standards as outlined in the current Massachusetts State Frameworks. Teachers assess by measuring individual student performance against the identified concrete learning standards, rather than in relation to the performance of other students.
Please check out the Parent/Guardian Guide by CLICKING HERE
Enjoy the weekend!